crochet · ideas · miscellaneous

Drowning in Bliss

So the internet is an amazing creation. Information on every topic at your fingertips, tutorials and instructions for everything from clipping a dog’s nails to laying a brick patio and beyond. (Hey, Legs and I replaced a washing machine’s motor based on a video tutorial specific to our make and model. Go us!!) And you can order almost all the parts and supplies online, or find out which store in your town carries them!! Awesome!! Oh, and the local fine arts drawing and painting courses  I hope to start next year. Corset tutorials I found for my niece’s history play last year. And the yarn, and the fabric, and the thread, and  . . .

But when you’re a hobbyist in the arts and crafts field, or perhaps even a professional, do you ever feel like you’re drowning in ideas? I’m not the world’s fastest crocheter or quilter or cross-stitcher, and I probably have more patterns now than I will ever complete in my life. Yet still they keep coming. Possibly because creating stuff is my main source of relaxation, along with a cuppa tea and books. It’s all about the process for me–if my fingers aren’t moving, I get antsy. Especially when things like my dad being out of town getting ankle surgery and having a few ups and downs are  happening. (He’s doing alright now—he’s back in town at a rehab center.)

So if I ever finish the Pink Purgatory, do I dig through about four years of Interweave Crochet for something like this? or this? Or do I try this fantastic pattern for colorwork crochet mitts by Sol at A crochet journey? Or try shawl patterns also recommended by A crochet journey? (Thanks so much for introducing me to yet another fabulous designer. Yeah, thanks.) Or work up my own modifications on fingerless mitts with the smashing cashmere sock yarn I found on clearance? Or ummm, actually finish the scarves I started as Christmas presents, or the socks, or the shawl, or the idea for a bunting I started? (Let’s not mention the two quilts I’ve got in process, and the cross-stitch that I haven’t touched for seven years don’t remember when I worked on it. Ahem.)

So how do you handle creative idea and choice overload? restrain yourself from yet more pattern purchases? keep your brain from splitting with the choices? Okay so it’s not really an earth-shaking crisis, especially since what I really need to be doing is painting the trim in the living room. But I am curious, as usual.

Happy stitching!


4 thoughts on “Drowning in Bliss

  1. First of all “Legs” has got to be the coolest name. Well, ‘cept for my doggy’s name, “Fruitquake”! 🙂

    Let me see if I can assist you, “So how do you handle creative idea and choice overload? restrain yourself from yet more pattern purchases?”

    Ya buy all the patterns you want (life is short); you make a list of the creative stuff you want to do . . . then you buy the materials you need to do ’em, then you get to ’em one by one . . .

    So, that when you see yet another creative idea/pattern . . . you STOP, put the other one in your WIP pile, get the pattern for the new idea, then get the materials . . .


    Bwwahhhhhhhh haaaaaaaaaaa!


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